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【七八单元检测题下】 四年级上册第八单元检测题答案

发布时间:2021-10-24 12:23:36 | 浏览次数:

七八单元检测题 一、选出下列单词划线部分发音不同的一项。

() A. those B.brother C. other D. think () A. third B.thourday C. healthy D. weather () A.earth B. healthy C. thirsty D.though () A. then B.other C. brother D. thourday 二、英汉互译 play games _____________________ 吃许多冰激凌 ______________ 制造噪音 ____________________ keep quiet ______________________ 穿过马路 ____________________ see a doctor ____________________ 好好休息 _____________________ read in bed _____________________ wait in line __________________ 保护好眼睛______________________ litter on the floor ________________ 课堂上大声说话________________ speak with mouth full ___________________ 说谎_________________ 有一个好的习惯_______________________ 保护好树木__________________ 三、选择适当答案。

1. I feel very _________ today? A. bed B. bad C. big 2. What’s wrong _________ you? A. to B. for C. with 3. Peter ___________ ill. A. look B. looks C.looking 4. What’s wrong with _________? A. he B. his C. him 5. He ________ a cough. A. has B. have C. had 四、连接对应的句子。绿色圃中小学教育网http://www.Lspjy.com 绿色圃中学资源网http://cz.Lspjy.com How’s the weather tomorrow? I am sorry, I wom’t. See you, Miss Lu. It’s sunny. What’s the weather like? See you. What’s wrong with you? I feel cold. I have a headache. Don’t tell lies. It’s a bad habit. It will be cloudy. 五、重排句子,组成对话。

( ) I am sorry to hear that. ( ) What’s wrong with him. ( ) Hello, miss white, This is Helen, Colin’s mother. ( ) Colin doesn’t feel well this morning. He can’t go to school today. ( ) He has a fever. ( ) Thank you. good-bye! ( ) We’ll go to the hospital. ( ) OK, Please have a good rest. 六、阅读短文. Su Nan: Good morning, Liu Zhaoyang! What do you often have for breakfast? Liu: Nothing. I get up late and I have no time to eat anything. Su Nan: Nothing? It’s a bad habit. It’s not good for you. You should eat something in the morning. Liu: All right. Su Nan: You can have some milk, bread and eggs for breakfast. Liu: I see. I will. Thank you so much. 根据短文内容填空。

Liu Zhaoyang doesn’t often have breakfast in the morning. He gets up late and he ______________________________. It is ____________________. Su Nan tells him to have ______________________________for breakfast. And Liu Zhaoyang thanks Sun Nan. 七、把你认为的好习惯和坏习惯填写到下列对应表格中。

Good habit Bad habit

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